Blog Comments #6

Mallory Mann

Sarah Kelley

By mikekayler

Public PR Perception

Ok so first off, I’ll be honest. I don’t watch Scandal or Sex and the City, but I am slowly working my way through Mad Men on Netflix. Now I have that out there, I think mass media does a good job of portraying the PR industry but exaggerates it for TV, like most shows do.  Also, from what I have seen of Mad Men, it is an outdated version of the advertising agency, social media not withstanding. Outside of all the new advances in the industry, Mad Men shows the biggest champions of the advertising world as booze hounds who get together and party with women all the time. Outdated, yes. Helpful or harmful: harmful. While I’m sure there are those who WANT this to be reality, it just isn’t the industry any more.

I am a marketing major, but I still did not choose the major for tv or anything in mass media.

How far you go for a client depends on how important the client is to your company. If it is your biggest account and they need that extra step taken for them, you do it. Maybe not hide a body, but lie to the press? Sure. There are some things that are better left covered from mass media anyway. With ethics, again it comes down to the individual client as to how unscrupulous I could be to help them. If mom and pop got in trouble for dealing cocaine, they probably aren’t worth sticking my neck out to save.

By mikekayler

Blog Comments #5

Korri Curtis

Emmy Bishop

By mikekayler

Social Media Participation

Does social media affect those who don’t participate? Most certainly. In this day and age, it is IMPOSSIBLE to escape social media in an industrialized country. Absolutely impossible. Even my grandmother has Facebook! Everyone has a Facebook/Twitter etc etc. Every business. Even business to business has social media links. 

It is how companies communicate with the public. I know plenty of companies that take excellent care of their customers over social media. Newegg for example, a computer hardware retailer, makes it next to impossible to find their actually phone number on the website. But do they respond over social media channels? You bet they do! With exceptional speed and courtesy. 

Point being with all the integration into our lives, people who refuse/are too old to use it still feel it through advertising, deals, and everything else that retailers put out over social media. They miss out on a ton of great material by not participating. The other huge thing they miss out on is viral trends. Something like Gangnam Style, which has 1.9 BILLION hits as of 2/18/2014, is what people miss. Not that this is a monumental event to miss, but they are out of the social loop. This makes them the person who finds the video 6 months late and asks all their friends if they have seen it. Long story short, people who don’t participate in social media miss out on social trends and keeping up with the latest. Even if you are the scrooge who “doesn’t care” about the latest trends, it’s still a faster way to get news than waiting for the paper each morning. 

Blog Comments #4

Emmy Bishop

Korri Curtis

By mikekayler

Sochi Problems

Sochi has had a slew of problems with near about everything, not least of all the 5th ring not working. The PR team has done a pretty bad job of taking care of the problems and reassuring people that things will get fixed. One of the biggest complaints, outside of the opening ceremony, is that the housing intended for the visitors and athletes was no where near finished and that there is a lack of clean, hot water. Russia should have foreseen these problems and either made a huge push in resources to take care of it, or at least given people warning that things wouldn’t be complete. Due to the way they handled it, and how they let western news actually reveal the horrible conditions, I would doubt that Russia will ever again be allowed to host the Olympics. This display of hospitality is pathetic and no where near what is required of such an event, or any event for that matter. These Olympics will be remembered for the problems, definitely. Yes the athletes are great and it is still the Winter Olympics, but the conditions are mentioned at every turn and will live on in infamy because at this point there is nothing Russia can do to alleviate what they already brought on themselves.

My favorite part of the winter Olympics is speed skating. Why? As calm and collected as the athletes appear to be (which they should be), you have to remember that they are skating at ~45 degree angle at around 35 miles per hour with what are essentially razor blades strapped to their feet. I am not a person to hope for a wipe out, especially at the Olympics, but that takes some serious guts to do.

Blog Comments #3

Carmen Owens

Megan Mounkes

Social Media Pet Peeves

I have three pet peeves when it comes to social media and they all revolve around people not being smart with it. 

1. Posting pictures of your sandwich.

2. Drunk posting

3. Posting way too often. 

First, I don’t care about what you ate for lunch! Your lunch falls into the category of no value added posts. This is my biggest pet peeves. If you are doing something cool or unique or posting something funny, fine, at least I will be interested but your sandwich, no. Especially not for the nth day in a row.

Second, drunk posts. Yes these can be entertaining because you make yourself look like an idiot, but I don’t want to know how much you drank, who you went home with, or how horrible you felt after you made friends with the toilet. 

Third, people who post way too much. This may be the number one because alot of people who are culprits for #1 and 2. The other part of this is that these people live tweet everything. All the time. The “I’m on the toilet” people and now “I’m drinking a glass of water.” Please, stop that. No one cares and no one will retweet the amazing glass of water you drank.