Final Comments

Blake Ayscue


Emmy Bishop

By mikekayler

Final Thoughts

HIghs included the awesome people in the class, watching Between Two Ferns, and cheesecake. This class has definitely been interesting because I am a marketing major, not PR, so it has been fun getting to be on the more “hands on” side of marketing/PR. That has been the frustrating problem after being in this class for me is that COBA marketing is a bunch of words and definitions with none of the hands on that the PR classes get to do, even though a lot of the material could be applied to both areas of study. I would not change this course so much as I would made these courses available to both PR and marketing students for those that want to get practical experience with marketing, or want to learn the Adobe creative suite. Marketing doesn’t get any of that. Count yourselves lucky my PR colleagues. 

Moving into my first job out of college with 11 Alive news station in Atlanta, I will be looking at how other people do their marketing over social media and trying to figure out best practices so that the competition’s advantage can be used against them. While I am going into sales, I am going to continue to look at social media and see what can be done differently because the landscape is changing so rapidly. 

By mikekayler

Facebook Bod

I definitely think that Facebook is a source of body image issues. If you are looking at your friend’s page, the “perfect girl” with the perfect body and boyfriend and car etc etc who wouldn’t feel at least kind of bad about themselves afterward? If you happen to be the one person in your group of friends that isn’t in that perfect shape, (guys or girls), you start to feel bad. You want to be like them. I 

I think that is a major side effect, not only for the “Facebook bod” but also the unhappiness with your own life. Now everyone puts their whole life on Facebook and not we don’t just want to be like celebrities, we want to be like our friends because they are better looking, or richer, or whatever. It is most definitely a source of never being happy in your own skin. 

By mikekayler


Miranda Marshall


Melika Hill

By mikekayler


I do agree with the points made but I think like alot of things on social media, it is so much easier to sit back and say “this is the right way” and then not follow up. Even if you do it “the right way,” there is no way you can guarantee hashtag success or any other success. The person who does manager to crack this is 1) a genius and 2) going to be very rich. I do not personally use the hashtags on TV shows because although I use Twitter, it is primarily an information feed for me. I retweet companies and articles much more than other actual people. Tracking trending hashtags would definitely be beneficial as it would be an easy way to jump into a conversation with the brand recognition. Nascar primarily uses #NASCAR, but also uses race names, #daytona500 and other things around big events. 

By mikekayler

Movie Comments

Melika Hill

Sarah Blasingame

By mikekayler

Django Unchained

I chose to watch Django Unchained because 1) my roommates were going to see it and 2) it is a Quentin Tarantino film. On that note, if you are not a Tarantino person, or even know who he is, you probably should NOT see this movie. His movies include: Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, and Inglorious Basterds. If you saw any of those and loved them, you should see Django, if you saw it and hated it, don’t even think about it. 

Django is probably Tarantino’s most Tarantino-esq movie to date. Big guns, big explosions and lots of gore. The movie as a whole was great, good story good action. On the other hand, as mentioned above, it was extreme Tarantino: gore to the extreme, like in Saving Private Ryan. 

I would give it 4.5 of 5. I am a Tarantino fan, but hesitate for a 5 because even for him, this one was a little over the top. Would definitely recommend though, within the stipulations I stated above.