Facebook Bod

I definitely think that Facebook is a source of body image issues. If you are looking at your friend’s page, the “perfect girl” with the perfect body and boyfriend and car etc etc who wouldn’t feel at least kind of bad about themselves afterward? If you happen to be the one person in your group of friends that isn’t in that perfect shape, (guys or girls), you start to feel bad. You want to be like them. I 

I think that is a major side effect, not only for the “Facebook bod” but also the unhappiness with your own life. Now everyone puts their whole life on Facebook and not we don’t just want to be like celebrities, we want to be like our friends because they are better looking, or richer, or whatever. It is most definitely a source of never being happy in your own skin. 

By mikekayler

5 comments on “Facebook Bod

  1. It’s like we’re all just trying to show off. My favorite trend these days is people getting engaged. It’s like, would you even be happy that you’re engaged if you couldn’t put it on Facebook and have people “like” it?

    • Exactly. The people with 1500 friends probably actually know about 2, maybe 3 hundred and from that they are probably only really friends with 50 if that. Companies? Sure. Individuals with thousands of Facebook “friends”? Who cares?

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